
Webhooks are HTTP callbacks used to send notifications when events happen in Clougistic, like data is created or changed. Webhooks are used to send information to 3th party systems like:

Create a webhook in Clougistic at: system > webhooks

Test webhook connection

To be sure your webhook is valid you can send callbacks to a service like webhook.site


Webhooks are executed when an event happens in Clougistic. It is possible to listen to multiple events in Clougistic to execute a webhook. 


Create filters if a webhook only needs to be executed when the expression is valid. Examples when filters are used:

If no filter expression is added, the event(s) will always execute the webhook.

If an expression is added and not valid, the webhook will not be executed.


The URL is the URL of the server that will receive the webhook request.


For every webhook it's possible to add headers like Content-Type, authentication and so on. Headers in Clougistic can also contain variables to change headers based on the model that's triggering the event.


The HTTP body of a webhook is based on the user defined payload. The payload can be created in any format like csv, xml, json or even html. The data of the model (product, order, shipment) behind the event can be used to create the payload. 

Besides this model, all related models to the specific (data) model are able to use. As an example, it's possible to use all data from the order related to the shipment that fires the event.


Test a webhook with a model and id. Examples of models:

Id's are unique identifiers for each record. As an example, you can find an id for an inventory mutation on the Inventory > Products > Product Detail > Mutation tab.