Supply API V3


To use the Supply V3 API a user is needed with a API access key and permission:

Can access Api V3 Supply OrderController 


CG-Access-key : the Clougistic user access key
CG-Entity-ID : the Clougistic entity
Content-Type : application/json
Accept: application/json

Create new Supply Order

Method: POST

resource: /api/v3/supply/order 

Sample Request

{"supplier_id" : "1",   "reference": "api import 1",   "type": 0,   "eta": "2021-12-02",   "etd": "2021-12-04",   "payment_term": "",   "currency": "EUR",   "exchange_rate": "1",   "comment": "This is a test",   "options": "",   "items": [       { "sku": "ikea-chair",          "name": "ikea-chair",          "pn": "21232123",          "unit_price": "50.00",          "unit_qty": "1",          "qty": "1",          "qty_cancelled": "0",          "eta": "2021-12-08"        },       { "sku": "iphone",          "qty": "20",        }, }

Read Supply Order with id

Method: GET

resource: /api/v3/supply/order/{id} 

Sample Request


Update Supply Order with id

Method: PUT

resource: /api/v3/supply/order/{id} 

Sample Request

{   "payment_term": "changed term",   "items": [       { "sku": "ikea-chair",          "qty": "300",        },       { "sku": "iphone",          "qty": "200",        }, }

Delete Supply Order with id

Method: DELETE

resource: /api/v3/supply/order/{id} 

Change Status Supply Order with id

Method: PUT

resource: /api/v3/supply/order/{id}/status

Sample Request

[status number]