Logistic Units

A Logistic unit is used to gather goods during the picking process. Create a Logistic unit for each type of inhouse transport, like a pallettruck or order picking cart.

Pick method

There are 2 pick process methods:

pick to buffer: assign a buffer to each slot on the logistic unit first, put the buffer(s) in the slot(s), add products to the buffer(s) during picking.

pick to slot: pick first, add products to the slot(s) and after picking a complete batch, assign each slot to one or more buffer(s) or stack(s).

The pick method is a very important choice to optimize the pick process in Clougistic. Which pick method to choose is based on:

There are 3 scenarios:

Scenario - The slot is big enough to hold a buffer and products fit in a buffer

The slots on the logistic unit can hold buffers. If an order picking cart could hold 4 buffers the goods are toughed only once by the picker. The buffers are put on the logistic unit first and during picking the products are directly put in the correct buffer for further processing. After the batched is picked, the buffers are send to the packing table and the logistic unit is empty, ready for the next batch. In this case choose the method pick to buffer.

Scenario - The slot is smaller than the buffer and products fit in a buffer

The slots on the logistic unit can't hold buffers. In this case the goods are picked with the logistic unit and after the batch is finished the goods are transferred from the slots to the buffer, so called buffering. This case is used often if the logistic unit is optimized for picking purposes. In this case choose the method pick to slot.

For example if the warehouse corridor space is optimized to store small parts then it's possible to have an order picking cart with small slots. Imagine the picking cart can hold 12 orders in slots with an optimized logistic unit, instead of unit with 3 buffers that can hold 3 orders.

Compare the time it will take to walk 1 run with 12 orders (pick to slot) and buffering with the time to walk 3 runs with 4 orders where orders are picked to buffer

Scenario - The slot is big enough to hold a buffer and products don't fit in a buffer

In this case the slots on the logistic unit can hold buffers. For example if an order picking cart could hold 4 buffers it would speed up the picking process. The buffers are put on the logistic unit first and during picking the products are directly put in the correct buffer for further processing (buffering only). The problem is that the goods don't fit (high volume). In this case choose the method pick to slot.

Slot count

The amount of separate slots to hold one or more orders during one run.

Slot dimensions (length, width and height)

Are used to split goods into 1 or more slots. The length, width and height of the product are used to calculate the maximum quantity per slot and in total for the logistic unit.

Allowed Users

Select users that are allowed to use the logistic unit.