
Zones arrange goods based on specifications for storing (put away) and release (pick). Consider different zones based on the level of release efficiency. A warehouse can be split into zones.

To show Zones, click on a Warehouse in the tree system > design.

The zone identifier is a mandatory part of the location used in Clougistic. Each printed label in a warehouse to identify the location contains the zone. Example: Zone-Aisle-Rack-Shelf-Bin.

Zone configuration


The zone identifier is the number generated by Clougistic found in front of the name. In the sample below the id for zone picking is 1.


Each zone needs a unique name, used throughout Clougistic.

Has locations

It's possible to create a zone with or without locations. The standard process to put away and releasing goods is a zone with locations. An example of a zone without locations is a store or showroom. There are restrictions to put away goods in a zone without locations (if this option is set to "no"):

Location Priority

Ascending Path is based on natural sorting. 

Natural sort order is an ordering of strings in alphabetical order, except that multi-digit numbers are ordered as a single character. Natural sort order has been promoted as being more human-friendly ("natural") than the machine-oriented pure alphabetical order. For example, in alphabetical sorting "z11" would be sorted before "z2" because "1" is sorted as smaller than "2", while in natural sorting "z2" is sorted before "z11" because "2" is sorted as smaller than "11".

Ascending Priority Index, Path is based on a location sorting index followed by natural sorting. 

Warehouse locations are needed to make use of the Priority Index.  To view the current location sorting, click the locations button.  You are able to add, change and remove  a location.

Descending Quantity is sorting based on locations with highest quantity to lowest quantity.

Reception date on location

If the reception date is set on a location the sorting of will be no date, oldest to newest date of reception.

Default item dimensions

Used to calculate the maximum amount of items per slot on a logistic unit. It is used for picking. If product dimensions are not set, the default item dimensions are used.

Allowed Users

Only selected users are able to work in the zone.